Monthly plans
Stick with industy-leading Pay As You Go pricing or opt for a monthly minimum-spend plan to unlock even lower costs.
Bytio offers the lowest no-commitment Pay As You Go pricing in the industry. However, if you’re running a continuous load through the platform it’s more cost-effective to opt for a monthly minimum-spend plan.
To change your teams’ monthly plan navigate to the billing page of the dashboard and click Change team plan. You may also review the available plans and their associated discounts from the Pay As You Go pricing by clicking Compare plans.
Changing your teams' monthly plan
How monthly plans work
- When you start to a monthly minimum-spend Plan you commit to spend a certain amount per month. The higher the monthly committed spend, the lower your usage and standing charges are. Click Compare plans on the billing page of the dashboard to review the available plans.
- You can upgrade, downgrade or switch back to Pay As You Go at any time.
- Billing follows the calendar month.
- At the start of each month, if your account balance is less than your plans’ minimum monthly commitment, then we will email you reminding you to Top Up your account balance to meet your minimum monthly commitment.
- If you don’t consume services (usage or standing charges) equalling or exceeding your monthly plans’ minimum monthly commitment then, at the end of the month, a balancing charge for the difference will be deducted from your account balance.
- For your first month payment we calculate the number of days remaining in the current calendar month and pro-rata adjust your minimum spend to just the remaining days in the month.
- Upgrades take effect immediately.
- When you downgrade, your current plan will continue until the end of the current month at which point you’ll be downgraded to the selected plan.
- You can cancel the downgrade, and remain on your current plan, at any time by clicking Cancel scheduled downgrade on the billing page of the dashboard.