On rare occassions you may see the Account in review message on the dashboard:

Account in review message

Whilst your account is in review requests to zones will fail with an HTTP 403 response code and any zones with Reserved IPs will be deprovisioned.

Reasons for Account in review status

Typically an account is placed into the Account in review status when one of the following is detected:

  • Multiple Free Trial accounts have been opened (we allow only one per-organisation).
  • Use of Bytio against the Terms of Use has been detected.

Complete KYC to re-activate your account

To resolve the review you should complete the Identify Verification (KYC) process. Once KYC has been successfully completed your Bytio account will be re-activated.

Note that, in the case of multiple Free Trials being opened, the Free Trial balance will be set to $0 after completing KYC and you will need to Top up your account to continue.