Usage and spend
Bytio provides full visibility over your usage and spend per month, so you’re always in control.
Viewing spend
View your spend in the current month by navigating to the billing page of the dashboard. Under the Team plan section you will see the current spend-to-date.
Spend so far this month
If you’ve changed your monthly plan then the spend shown on the billing page shows the spend for the current plan only.
A breakdown of your spend-to-date is shown in the Month-to-date summary section. This shows spend for each of your zones at minute-level granularity. You may optionally split the view by zone or date.
Month-to-date summary
To view historical spend see the Billing history section.
Viewing usage
Navigate to the usage page of the dashboard to view real-time and historical usage for each of your zones.
Usage page
If you are an Admin you can view usage for all members of your team using the Team members picker at the top of the Usage page.
- The usage page allows you to view usage by data transferred through a zone, or by the number of simultaneous connections to a zone. Both are available as historical views for a custom date period and as a real-time view.
- When viewing Simultaneous connections, if the zone is configured for Per-connection (thread) billing a red line showing the connection limit will be shown on the chart. This can be useful for determining if your requests are exceeding the simultaneous connection limit.
- When viewing usage you can split the chart by team member and view data transfer as a total or just download vs. upload traffic.
Request log
Select Request log from the Usage page to view the last 100 requests sent through the selected zone, for the selected team members. The request log can be useful for debugging usage from a particular zone and measuring request timings.
Request log
Request status
The Status column in the Request log shows the Response code status the Bytio proxy returned in response to the request. This can be useful in debugging why a particular request may have failed.
Request log status