
A team member can be in one of three roles: Admin, Collaborator or Billing Admin. The permissions for each role are as follows.

AdminCollaboratorBilling Admin
Create new zones
Edit zones
Run proxy requests through zones
View your own zone usage
View zone usage for all team members
Invite new team members
Edit team member permissions
Enable & disable team members
Access the Bytio API
View usage and download invoices
Receive monthly invoices by email
Top Up account balance
Change team plan
Close Bytio account
Complete Identity verification (KYC)

There must be at least one Admin team member per Bytio account.

Changing role

To change the role of a team member, navigate to the team page and choose Edit permissions from the Options menu.

Edit permissions

Choose a new role for the team member from the Role dropdown menu and click Update permissions to save.

Choosing a new role

Collaborator role

If you choose the Collaborator role you can specify one or more zones that the team member will have access to.

Choose All zones to allow them access to all current zones, and all future zones, on your account.

Collaborator role zone access