Reserved IPs
Zones set up on the Reserved datacenter proxy network allow you to reserve IPs in an IP pool dedicated to your account.
Reserved datacenter zones
To get started with Reserved IPs you should create a zone against the Reserved datacenter network. Here you can choose your IP pool size (how many IPs you want to reserve for your use) and their exclusivity.
Creating a Reserved datacenter zone
For example, you could reserve IPs non-exclusively (meaning the IPs don’t change, but other customers can still access them), exclusively per-domain (meaning you have exclusive use of the IPs for a given domain) or fully exclusively (meaning no other Bytio customers can access the IP).
Managing reserved IPs
You can refresh or remove reserved IPs from a zone set up on the Reserved datacenter network by clicking on the IP pool indicator on the zones page of the dashboard, or selecting View reserved IPs from the Options menu.
Viewing the IPs in a Reserved datacenter zone
Viewing IPs
The IPs in the Reserved datacenter zone IP pool are shown in the popup.
Viewing reserved IPs
You may view, search and download (as a CSV file) the IPs in the reserved IP pool from the page.
Refreshing IPs
Sometimes it may be desirable to refresh certain IPs from the IP pool (for example, if a given IP is blocked by a website). To do this, select one or more IPs and click the Refresh button.
Bytio charges per IP refreshed depending on the Plan your account is on (see the pricing page). You will be prompted to accept any charges before the refresh starts.
Removing IPs
To remove one or more IPs from the IP pool, select them and click the Remove button. The IPs will be immediately removed from the IP pool for the zone.
Using the API
You can use the Bytio API to view, remove and refresh reserved IPs programmatically. For more information see the API docs.