Disabling a zone via the dashboard

To disable a zone, and prevent any proxy requests to the zone from succeeding, navigate to the zones page of the dashboard and slide the Enabled switch to off.

Disabled zone

Requests attempted via a disabled zone will receive an HTTP 403 Forbidden response code.

Charges still apply when zones are disabled

If a zone has standing (i.e. time-based) charges these will still be applied, per-minute, even when a zone is disabled.

This is because platform resources are still provisioned for the zone even when it is disabled. If you no longer require a zone you should delete it instead of disabling it.

Examples of standing charges are:

  • IP reservation and exclusivity charges on Reserved datacenter zones
  • Per-connection billing charges for datacenter or mobile zones

Disabling a zone via API

You can use the Update zone API to disable a zone programmatically by setting the enabled body parameter to false.