For zones set up on the Datacenter and Mobile networks you can optionally route your request through an IP or mobile device in a specific country, rather than having Bytio randomly select one.

Bytio uses IP geolocation data from when determining which country a given IP or mobile device is reporting in. Geolocation data is refreshed from on a monthly basis.

You can control the country of the IP or mobile device used either by specifying the countries explicitly when setting up the zone, or per-request using the country parameter in your zone username. If you omit the country parameter then your request will be sent via an IP or mobile device selected at random from the countries your zone has access to.

Specifying countries on a zone

When adding or editing a zone choose one or more countries from the Countries dropdown. If you want requests made to the zone to be routed through a IP or mobile device selected from a random country, choose Any Country.

Specifying countries when adding a zone

If you omit the country parameter from your zone username when making requests Bytio will route your request through one of the countries selected on your zone at random.

Specifying a country per-request

If you specify a country parameter in your zone username your request will be routed through an IP or mobile device (depending on whether the zone is set up with the Datacenter or Mobile network) in that country.

For example, to route a request through an IP in the United States, for a zone with ID ABCDEF, the zone request username would be:


A full curl command to run a request against the Bytio IP-checking endpoint would be:

curl \
 --proxy \
 --proxy-user zone-ABCDEF-country-us:YOUR-API-KEY \
 --verbose \

Available countries

The following countries are available for the Datacenter and Mobile networks. We continuously review the available countries and more are added where there is sufficient demand.

Datacenter network countries

CountryCountry zone username parameter
United Statescountry-us
United Kingdomcountry-gb

Mobile network countries

CountryCountry zone username parameter
United Statescountry-us