When adding a zone with standing - i.e. time-based - charges you are required to have an account balance large enough to cover 24 hours of standing charges for the zone.

This requirement does not affect the cost of the zone. You are still billed for per-minute for the time you have the zone set up on your account (even if that’s less than 24 hours).

Insufficient funds error when creating a zone

Topping up

If you are presented with the Insufficient account balance message when attempting to add a zone click Add funds to top up your account balance, then re-create your zone.

Examples of standing charges

  • IP reservation and exclusivity charges on reserved datacenter zones
  • Per-connection billing charges for datacenter or mobile zones

Zones that are configured to be purely usage-based - for example using per-GB billing on a shared datacenter zone - would not have any standing charges.

Using the API

You can use the Bytio API to Top-up your account if you have a stored payment method saved on your account. For more information see the API docs.